Does milk matter?


As we welcome in 2015 I’m also entering the second month of my challenge. January’s change is going to be milk.

Last month saw me grappling with some pretty global issues so this month I’m keeping it local. I want to find out about the good, the bad and the ugly when it comes to the lovely white stuff.

The parameters are pretty straight forward. I usually pick up eight to ten pints each week during my weekly shop. At least four of these need to be whole milk for making coffees and babychinos (I have no part in this!).

There’s been lots in the news recently about the prices we pay for milk so my hope is to investigate what constitutes a fair price for farmers while looking at what my options are for this month’s ethical conundrum.

Living on the edge of the Peak District means that we have several dairy farms supplying Sheffield so I’m putting my wellies on and heading out for some research!

If you have any milk tips let me know!