Clueless about energy

You join me at the beginning of my third challenge. This month I’m going to be looking into the ethics of energy both gas and electric.

We currently get everything from EDF who from a customer service and pricing point of view have actually being pretty good but a quick bit of research has shown me that they are the top offender in the ethical energy stakes!

There’s been a lot in the news about the ‘Big 6’ cutting their prices so I’ll be interested to see how companies outside those six are fairing. We are on a pretty tight budget so I’m keen to find out what makes energy ethical or not but I will be realistic that we can’t afford to up our energy bills much, I will try to be honest about this challenge! 

It’s slightly embarrassing to admit that my knowledge of green energy comes from secondary school geography so that’s about 15 years out of date! Hopefully over the next month I can remedy this huge hole in my knowledge and suss out what buying from a green supplier actually means.

I need all the help I can get with this one so if you have any tips please do comment and set me in the right direction.