Hello again! Welcome back if you’ve done one of my Bible Writing Plans before and it’s great to see you if this is your first time joining us.
I love writing out parts of the Bible, I wrote a blog about why I do it every day here.
This new writing plan is aimed at helping us prepare for Pentecost, to think through who the Holy Spirit is and what He does. The plan lasts the 10 days running up to Pentecost Sunday, the day we celebrate the birth of the church, the day the Holy Spirit came powerfully on the disciples.
This new practice doesn’t have to be perfect, or correct, you don’t need a special notebook and the results don’t have to look pretty.
Grab a Bible (any translation will do) find the passage and copy it out. This practice can grow at much at you like – you could start by saying the short prayer ‘Speak Lord, your servant is listening’. You could highlight a few words that stand out to you that day, ask the question ‘what does this show me about the Holy Spirit?’ and maybe finish by thanking God for His Word. There’s no blue-print – be creative!
5 minutes a day, go on, give it a try!